My mail art is inspired by my favorite artist and research interest, Hieronymus Bosch. I recently was able to travel to Bosch's hometown, 's-Hertogenbosch, to view the 2016 exhibit,
Hieronymus Bosch: Visions of Genius at the Noorbrabant museum and go to the international conference at the Jheronimus Bosch Art Center. I have used the envelope along with a variety of accouterments that I collected from my trip. I lined the envelope with some of my research images of Bosch paintings from my thesis. I feel very lucky to have the experience of seeing my favorite art in person alongside the Boschian scholars.
Bochian Mail Art front, Liia Thrasher, UH Public Art |
Bochian Mail Art back, Liia Thrasher, UH Public Art |
Great job! Inspiring, well made, nicely photographed, and properly documented. Congrats!