Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy NCCE:02017:05:11!

A Calendar of One's Own

Last year in Sculpture Block program I devised two new calendar systems. 
The first (represented the row of dodecahedrons pictured above) uses a base-twelve number system of my own invention to track the date. To avoid confusing them with base-ten numbers, each digit has it's own symbol, as well as it's own new pronunciation. So to count out the twelve moonths, we say oh, an, un, een, oin, aiv, iks, ev, eit, ain, en, el, ano, anoon, with oh being equivalent to zero. That way, 29 days into the new year is essentially zero moonths and 29 days (which looks on it's face as though it were '26' in the base-twelve system, and is pronounced oonix.)  So the last moonth is essentially numbered as 13 (anoon) even though it is the twelfth.
    Having twelve moonths devided into thirty days adds up to 360 days, with the other five (six on leap years) as a special time when for a nearly a full weeek all clocks are stopped, and everyone stops what they're doing and points their middle fingers up at the sun. Then the new year begins at midnight on the summer solstice. 
    Each moonth is devided into five weeeks of 6 days, which are devided into twelve whiles (2 hours) each of twelve spells (ten minutes) of twelve scoshes (fifty seconds), which are made up of twelve moments (4 and one-sixth seconds)
    The years are grouped into anonons (twelve year periods), anotaries (one hundred forty-four year periods) and anolaries (1,728 year periods). 

Confused by all this? so am I. 

That calendar died after less than a week of use.

That's why I made the second system, which I still use to this day. This day is written out as NCCE:02017:05:11:00:59. Thirteen months of four 7-day weeks each. Starts on the summer solstice. Standard base-ten number system.00:59 is of course the time, daylight savings effective year-round. Easy.


With Trump as president, I now feel 100% justified in not taking seriously anything this culture deems normal.

So happy f*****g New Year! ;)



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